utilizaremos una libreria derivada de tensorflow.js
it is an open source javascript library for machine learning based on an original library created by google core in c++ with bindings in python. Tensorflow is a javascript library capeblw of learning in the browser with training sets and test sets. tensors are numbers eg ; numbers,vectors matrix. These tensors are not use by the cpu by gpu. The graphical processing unit make use of the WEBGL library based in OPENGL tecnology images are setsof numbers in matrices, every single pixel is a RGB alpha(opacity) numberWith the training sets we have thousands of sample images taht are used for training our neural network. Every hidden layer network is a different feature, eg; contour, cornets,groups of pixels. After training the tensors are being optimaze with a function that produce the minimum distance between all the images like a lineal regresion or polinomial regression. As a student you need to explain an exemples using neuralnetwork eg; MNIST
what is my homework is to find a different example if neural network, using tensorflow. js or teachablee machine io ml5.js or any other related library
un tensor es como una funcion de optimizacion encuetra la funcion optima que pasa por la distancia minima